Our coaches

Ineke Duit

Drs. ing. Ineke Duit, MSc. is director / owner of NICE and also accredited (non) executive coach, supervisor and accredited HOGAN assessor. After studying at the Van Hall Institute, Ineke studied business economics at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. In 2014, she completed her Master of Science at the Ashridge Business School in Executive Coaching and in 2016 she obtained the postgraduate courses Team Coaching for consultants and Advanced Coaching and Organization Development at the Hult International Business School. The World Class Mentoring Program at Ashridge Executive Education / Hult International Business School is expected to be completed in 2017. In addition to her work for NICE, she is independent chairman of the modernization committee committee at Vereniging Eigen Huis and director / owner of Quintes Thuiszorg.

Annemiek van Wijnbergen

After completing her university degree in International Business Communication (1998), she worked for many years as a marketing communication manager in the cooperative business community. Since 2007 she is the owner of Uit Essentie, focused on coaching, therapy and training. She is a certified TTI Success Insights Behavior (DISC) and motivational consultant. Since 2014 she has been working for NICE as coach and supervisor at various courses

Lotte de Jong

Drs. Lotte de Jong has worked as a manager and director in various environments at the intersection of government and private organizations with a social challenge. It mostly concerned (politically and administratively) complex environments. For example, she worked as a director / municipal secretary at both large and small municipalities. Other organizations where she was director, for example, are the Hoofdbedrijfschap Detailhandel, a public-law organization governed by employers ‘and employees’ organizations and a Penitentiary Institution. Lotte has followed several courses after graduating, including a post-academic training in public administration. After her education at the VU and Ashridge as executive coach, she works as a coach for NICE.