General Cooperative Skills course

Cooperatives are companies with a special character. The members of the cooperative are co-owners and especially business partners. The assignment for the cooperative is to build up a strong market position and thus contribute to the continuity and profitability of the companies of the members.

In other words: the cooperative is a means for the member to realize his own entrepreneurial objectives.

It is the task of the board of the cooperative to fulfill this assignment and realize this through the policy of the cooperative. This is easier said than done. In these times the changes are radical and, moreover, they take place at a rapid pace and in many areas (economic, social and from regional to international). Changes require translation into opportunities and possibilities for the own cooperative. This has consequences for the members and support must be created for this.

The General Cooperative Skills course focuses on people who have a seat (or will soon have) on a board, board of commissioners or member council. A maximum of 20 people can participate per course. 80% attendance is an requirement.


For dates of the next edition, please contact our secretariat.
Individual coaching has been included within the course (three sessions). At the end of both the first and the second year, each participant is also reflected on the personal qualities and points of attention and a profile development interview takes place between the first and second year. Through three supervision meetings, the General Cooperative Skills course offers the participants a valuable reflection opportunity on their own managerial practice.
€7.550,00 (excluding VAT, literature, travel and accommodation expenses)
Other information:
Optional: study tour Brussels Many of our laws and regulations are determined from the European Parliament in Brussels. For the participants of the General Cooperative Skills course a 3-day excursion is organized to Brussels with a visit to the European Parliament and various organizations representing interests. Participation is optional and partners are welcome to come along. To conclude the course a festive final meeting will be organized. In this meeting, the participants also present the final assignment that they have prepared in groups. Subsequently, the certificate ceremony takes place. Representatives of the notifying organizations are invited and partners and family members are also very welcome.
Course objectives:
The course aims to support, deepen and broaden the experience of the participant. The course offers a solid support in the thought development process and draws on scientific sources, substantiation from the theory and explanation of the different themes by guest speakers and experienced directors. Finally, the mutual exchange of experience between the participants is also a source of information and inspiration.